Part 23: Bonus Update 4
These days it seems like there are almost more screenshot LPs with in-character commentary than without. I mean, until recently I'd have thought that being able to take a game at least somewhat seriously was a requirement for a good narrative LP, but then Novasol did Princess Tomato in Salad Kingdom.seorin posted:
Hey, now, there are plenty of narrative LPs to go around <

Given that narrative LPs are basically a subgenre of a subgenre of LPs as a whole, it's nice to see them growing in new directions, and I think there's still a lot of room for innovation. I mean, look at what Slowbeef's doing with Sprung.
Thanks! Unfortunately, I'm going out of town for my high school reunion tomorrow. I'll try to squeeze in an update tomorrow morning before I leave, but in the meantime here's some art to tide you over.Randi Challenger posted:
Great update as usual. I love reading your LPs because they are written out. I always wanted to read games in book form sometimes, and thats pretty much what this reminds me of. At first I compaired you to the Lets Play Parrallel Worlds but I think you've passed it because you update

The kickin' rad box art for the Japanese version of Phantasy Star II.

The, uh, significantly less kickin' rad box art for the English version of Phantasy Star II. (That's the hintbook, but the box has the same picture on it.) Yes, I'm pretty sure those people are supposed to be Rolf and Nei. This is why you don't hire random fantasy artists who know nothing about the game to do box art.

This is from the Phantasy Star Compendium, so I guess it proves that the Japanese sometimes make bad character art too.

Not sure what this cover art is from -- someone who speaks Japanese help me out here. It's pretty awesome, at any rate. Just don't ask why Rolf is using a gun.

Box art from the Playstation 2 remake of Phantasy Star 2. They made everyone look about 14 years old for some reason. At least Rudo and Kain still look cool.


Concept art of Hugh and Shir. Hugh looks more badass in some of these sketches than he has any right to. Fun fact: the concept art for Hahn in Phantasy Star IV was also based on Hugh's design.